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Safety Matters: 24-Hour Injury Reporting

Work injuries can be a pain for all those involved. Did you know that work injuries need to be formally reported to SynchronyHR within 24 hours? Although a vast majority of workers’ comp injuries are reported timely, there is an uncomfortable number that somehow slip through the cracks. The clock starts the moment the employer becomes aware of an injury.

Insurance companies have done the research into timely claim reporting – this is referred to as lag time. Lag time is the period between the injury occurring and the insurance company being made aware of it.

While the studies vary slightly, you can see an increase in claims costs of 11% with claims reported greater than 7 days after occurrence - all the way up to claims reported greater than one month late seeing an increased claim cost of 45%! In addition, the litigation rate in claims reported 30 days late or more is 47%.

Not reporting a claim timely can turn a routine, medical-only claim into a litigated lost time claim. From an injured employee’s perspective, it may seem as if no one cares about their health or well-being. Plus, retaining an attorney is the only way to secure the medical treatment needed and/or lost time benefits that they are owed.

In workers’ comp cases, time really is money.

Injury reporting is a huge part of your company's safety culture. If by chance you have not made timely injury reporting a priority, I have good news! This can change. By investing in building a culture of timely reporting of work-related injuries, employees know that their leadership cares about them as people & values their health and safety. A safety culture begins with trust. Help make sure employees get the care they need.

*This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. For further information, please consult a risk management professional.



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