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5 Ways to Spread Holiday Cheer in a Remote Workplace

The holiday season is here and celebrating with your team is a great way to foster a sense of community and connection. So, whether your organization is fully remote, adopting a hybrid model, or meeting in-person, here are six festive ideas for business owners and/or managers to spread some holiday cheer.

1. Host a holiday party

You can't go wrong with ugly sweaters, gift exchanges, and good food. Organizations that are remote can setup a virtual meeting for employees to show off their holiday spirit. You can also send remote employees care packages and/or have local food delivered for their enjoyment.

2. Plan weekly holiday activities

Whether employees are at home or in the office, quick activities such as cookie decorating and gingerbread house competitions can add a bit of excitement to their day.

3. Create a holiday channel

Start a channel on your preferred team messaging platform for employees to share holiday pictures, fun anecdotes, traditions, playlists, and so on.

4. Give back to the community

Collaborate with employees to select a charity for your organization to donate to, or encourage your team to go out and donate to food or coat drives.

5. Distribute gifts

A great way to show your appreciation for your employees is by giving gifts such as gift cards, gift baskets/boxes, books, or more.

With the year coming to a close, the holiday season is a perfect time to show your thanks and appreciation to your employees for a job well done.

Looking for even more ideas on how to reward employees and enhance your workplace culture? Get in touch with us today for the latest in HR expertise.

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